Bible Heroes VBS 2023

Vacation Bible School in 2023 was SUPER at Crosspoint Wesleyan! Kids ages 3-12 learned about Bible Heroes, and also learned important life lessons about being a hero, themselves, everyday. And most importantly, they learned about the greatest “super hero” ever—Jesus Christ!

We hope you and your kids enjoy these sketches of Jesus, King David, and Queen Esther!

Meet the Heroes

  • King David

    Beginning life as a shepherd boy, young David rose to prominence when he defeated the giant Goliath. He eventually replaced Saul as king of the nation of Israel. David would become Israel’s greatest king and would also write many of the Psalms found in the Old Testament. David is known as a man after God’s own heart.

  • Jesus Christ

    Born in a manger, lived the life of a teacher, a healer and a prophet 2,000 years ago. Jesus, the Son of God, went to the cross for you and for me to make possible a relationship with God. He rose from the grave three days later and now sits at God’s right hand. Come to VBS and learn why He is our ultimate super hero.

  • Queen Esther

    Esther was an Israelite woman living in the land of Persia. She would become queen to the Persian king Xerxes. Esther would be called upon to help save her people from a sinister member of the king’s court. Would Esther face her fears and risk her life for her people?